Saturday, July 23, 2011

Aqua Rite Salt Chlorinators Are Very Useful in Keeping Your Pool Clean

If you have a pool at home, you will also know that it has to be cleaned regularly and kept in good shape. This will ensure that your pool is swim ready at all times of the year. There are various types of pool cleaners in the market which will ensure proper maintenance of your pool. With advancement of technology and newer equipments being available in the market, cleaning up the pool has become much easier. One of the popular devices which are used for this purpose is the salt chlorinators. The AquaRite salt chlorinator is one of the most popular devices in the market.

The salt chlorinator is a device which works by converting normal table salt into sodium hypo chloride which cleans up your pool. This sanitizer is being added to the pool on a regular basis which produces pH neutral chlorine and helps keep the pool or spa's pH balance intact. This also ensures that you do not have harsh chemicals in the water that you will be swimming in.

How it works

This device is set up in the pump and filter area and when the pool or spa is running, the water is transferred through an inline cell. The salt in the pool water is then converted into sodium hypo chloride. Then the chlorine travels back to the pool and the entire process is repeated once again. The power supply unit of the device is connected to the inline cell and it regulates the time and output of the pool sanitizer.

The salt used for this purpose is regular table salt and can be purchased at various locations. The salt used in the pool is recycled and does not get used up as such. But some of it evaporates and some of it splashes out when people are bathing in the pool. For these reasons, you have to keep refilling the amount of salt in the pool at regular intervals.

When purchasing your chlorinator, you must consider a few factors. You must consider the size of your pool. You must also consider the number of people who take a bath everyday and whether you are residing in a warm region or a colder region. The best place to look for an Aqua Rite salt chlorinator is at the online stores like This store will provide you with all details about the chlorinator that you want to buy along with a price list.

Now you can get all the details regarding swimming pool accessories and you'll even find articles about pool chlorinators at

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5 Tibetan Rites Product Review

If you plan on exercising soon there are a few things you should thing about.

What sort of exercise do you want to do, will it be for stretching of aerobic?

I came across an interesting book the other day, it's a form of Tibetan exercise, I would like to tell you a bit about it.

It's called the '5 Tibetan Rites' and it's somewhat different to what most people are used to when it comes to exercise. Nonetheless there is nothing to lose by checking something out right?

People are claiming miraculous results just after 2 weeks, that's not bad in any ones mind. It's said that it also helps you get the right mindset about exercising which will be very beneficial for a lot of people.

It also talks about rejuvenating your energy levels, this is great in todays society when a majority of people are complaining about low energy levels.

Once only the monks of a secret Monastery knew of these fabulous exercises, until a Colonel from the British army found it and they taught him the hidden mysteries of this phenomenal exercise program.

A very in-depth book, all the original pictures are included in this priceless manuscript. You'll be shown exactly how to do these exercises which will bring you amazing health and well-being.

Like the 'eye of revelation' for 25 centuries only men had access to this one exercise. Now it has been revealed that women can gain a whole lot of benefits from this exercise, making it worthwhile to both men and women. This in itself has to be a blessing for all concerned about their health and want to do something about it.

In the chapter about 'The Seven Psychic Vortexes' you'll learn how you can energize certain areas of your body that, according to the Tibetan monks, cause fatigue, disease, and age when they're allowed to go stale. And those who don't practice the rejuvenation rites have very stale vortexes!

Learn what the 'Vortex's' are all about, you'll be amazed at what these are all about, but wait till you see some of the testimonies, you'll be dying to get started to a new YOU.

Hope you found value in this "5 Tibetan Rites Review".

5 Secret Tibetan Exercises

Len Cecchetto has been researching ways to keep young and fit for years. Get some free information about this amazing system right here. []

Increase your strength, life and rejuvenate your energy with these Secret Tibetan exercises []

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The Rite of Your Right to Write (Just Doing the Write Thing!)

Okay, now that I've thoroughly done my little play on words, let's take a look at the power and magic that comes out of writing.

Whether you are writing goals, to-do lists, or your life vision; healing letters to yourself or others; journaling; or just some creative expression, you make your world bigger and much clearer by using your "sword and shield": your pen and your writing tablet.

When you write a list of goals or things to-do, you create a higher likelihood of accomplishing those deeds. The act of writing, and then actually seeing what you have written, creates a much different experience in your brain versus just thinking about it.

When doing your vision work, your creativity allows you to experience the BIG picture of Life as you dive into the land of possibility. By capturing your life vision in writing, you can now go back and thoroughly re-experience it and keep it close to your Heart and begin to live your vision because you see it every time you read it( which is a good idea to do daily).

Got unfinished emotional business with someone? Write them a letter, and put all your emotions connected to the issue into the letter. Do not sensor anything. Forgive and ask for forgiveness if that is what is needed as well. Write until you feel done.

Then create a ceremony in which you burn the letter...releasing everything from the past and giving it over to the Universe. Repeat this process as often as needed. Write the same to yourself if you feel the need as well.

Journaling can be a great tool for you to stay connected to you. There is no wrong way to journal, and it can be an effective method of checking in with yourself in regards to your goals. It is also a wonderful way to just simply express yourself and your feelings.

Sometimes the simple act of writing your thoughts and feelings down on paper helps you to see exactly what is going on, where you need to go, and what you need to do.

We are all poets and writers, but it is easy to be overly critical of ourselves and therefore prevent ourselves from ever picking up the might sword (The pen, remember??).

Go ahead, write that poem, those lyrics, that article, short story, or matters not what other think (or what you think others think), but rather, how it makes you feel. Write until you feel good, then write some more.'s your right, and in that, you create a rite into a bigger, clearer, and more expressed self...just do the write thing for will be glad you did...I am, and I am feeling much better now!...Thanks.

I provide mental health counseling, marriage counseling and relationship counseling to help professionals and their families eliminate stress, maximize success and create extraordinary relationships at home, at work and in the community. As a mental health counselor, marriage counselor and relationship counselor my number one goal is to help people as painlessly a possible complete the therapeutic process. I've been offering counseling, coaching, and educational programs since 1987. My programs are focused on empowering people to have more successful lives, businesses and relationships. You'll always find FREE Life and Relationship Success Special Reports at I'm also the author of Marry YourSelf First! Say "I DO" to a Life of Passion, Power, Purpose and Prosperity.

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Friday, July 22, 2011

Graduation Is A Rite Of Passage

Graduation is an event that takes place after hitting a milestone in school to indicate when a student is ready to transition into the next stage of learning. Graduation can take place during any stage of schooling, not necessarily only at the end of high school or college. It is a cultural tradition and is usually looked at as a rite of passage.

The term "rite of passage" was coined in 1909 by Arnold van Gennep. Van Gennep believed that the right of passage consisted of three main steps. Those steps are separation from society, inculcation-transformation, and the return to society with a new status.

Different Types Of Graduation Ceremonies And Achievements

There are two different ceremonies held for students and those are the commencement and the baccalaureate. The commencement is where the diplomas are received by all of the graduating students. The baccalaureate ceremony takes place in order to pay special attention to those that did an exemplary job in their schooling years.

The graduation, ceremony is one of the highlights of a person's life because it consists of a gathering of all graduating students, their families, and the important members of the school's staff. It will generally begin with a speech given by the principal, valedictorian, or a special guest speaker and then progress to a roll call of students. As each student is called one by one, they are provided with their hard-earned diploma and a handshake.

The students that are awarded special awards depending on their achievements are the baccalaureates. These achievements will help you when it comes to applying for your next stint in college or for a high-paying job. Nothing looks better on a resume than having one of these awards or achievements.

Graduation Honors:

cum laude: with honors
magna cum laude: with high honors
summa cum laude: with the highest honors

Graduation Ceremony Attire

During a graduation ceremony the students are to wear matching caps and gowns. The caps, or "hoods" as they once were called, used to be worn by the Druid priests to signify their higher intelligence. The tassel, which is connected to the cap, is generally designed to show the area of study that was achieved, however nowadays it is usually made of the school's colors. The gown is normally a color that will compliment the cap and tassel.

Mixture Of Emotions And Memories After Graduation

This is a basic description of the general concept of graduation. After the ceremony, there are usually generally people crying tears of joy and sorrow. There is a mixture of emotions that a graduate feels.

Students tend to think that their school years would never come to an end, but the day they graduate the realization that it's over hits them hard. They know that most of the people they had come into contact with and befriended will never be seen again. However, they are happy and proud that they survived the twelve plus years in school.

This ceremony is a very important and memorable time in a students life. Having a diploma should be respected and admired, especially in these times when so many drop out of school. It may require a lot of work, but in the end, it is worth it.

Graduation Gowns

Graduation Package

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Rites of Passage: Innocence Found

Our yard was toilet-papered last night. The sight greeted me as I opened the front door in my robe, on my way to retrieve the newspaper on this blustery Saturday morning. I had seen such displays before, but always from the road. From my secure vantage of hustling and busting I would look at the homes of parents of children older than my own, and shake my head with nave amusement as wearied dads with strange, bemused expressions raked the fluttering ribbons from their trees. It was just one of the things that teenagers did, I figured. I had no reason to take the point further, except to recognize that the scene was part off a world of parenting teenagers that I knew lay somewhere ahead.

Suddenly, I am there; the sight catching me unaware of an inevitable certainty, much like the first look at a snowy august morning. I suppose I should have seen it coming. Starting from the day when my youngest caught me skipping pages during reading at bedtime, changes seemingly beyond my control have become more frequent. All of a sudden I'm not privy to the details of the conflicts between my children and their friends at school. Telephone conversations between my children and unknown sources of information stall when I pass through the room. Suddenly my children don't miss the double entendre of PG-13 comedies; instead, they blush, or worse, laugh as if they have heard the joke before.

Initially I was honored to see the 'tribute in white'. My son must be popular if someone spent so much time to do this, I reasoned, as if by association his popularity reflected my parental achievements. But I also felt somewhat unsettled. I stood in the middle of a scene heretofore reserved for others, for those older families, and realized that I had been initiated into one more phase of my life. Once more I was being pushed into a new era of parenting, with little warning, and with no formal training. Such is the nature of parenting. In no other job are we expected to adapt, and to 'ad lib', to such an extent. We aren't told "Oh, there is a TV to fix in there- I know you haven't done it before, but we're expanding beyond widgets". My only preparation at this point is a vague recollection of hearing from those who have been here before me that I should make sure the mess is cleaned up before it rains. I'm not sure why that is important.

I am also touched by a melancholy memory, of the days of my youth and of innocent pranks. Sometime between then and now, pranks seem to have taken on a meaner quality; images of 'soaping windows' morphing to fears of tainted Halloween candy, or burning bags of dog droppings on porches changing to reports of bombs in mailboxes. The display in front of me this morning reminds me of those innocent days gone by, and I am again touched by the care that has been taken- the bench from the porch carefully balanced atop the basketball backboard, the avoidance of the small tree with the nest of baby birds, the placement of our 'security sign' neatly in the bushes, where it could easily be found. And nothing has been done to the mailbox, as if in recognition that a mailbox is no longer a thing of innocent pranks. The whole display does not suggest delinquency. Rather there is almost the suggestion of moral character, of knowing the difference between right and wrong, between old-fashioned youthful mischief and modern delinquency.

I wonder if the distinction between innocent pranks and delinquency is even possible in our 'modern world'. As we try to protect our children, we steer them from potentially mischievous activities lest innocence and evil be mistakenly confused. "You could be shot- or arrested!" we say. Pranks have always had an edge- but it seems that we used to know where that edge was, and more importantly, we genuinely knew that it shouldn't be crossed. Yes, we made mistakes- I think of the late night many years ago, when my friends and I left the mannequin lying on the porch of my parents' house, rang the doorbell, and ran away. I can still hear my mother scream as I think about it. Or I think of the prank phone calls made during a sleepover, and of the guilt I felt later as I read in the small town community newspaper about the elderly disabled woman who was frightened by them. But the stakes seem higher now, and so from the enlightened vantage of parents, we don't mourn the loss of innocent pranks. Their loss is a trade-off for safety, and we accept the loss as an inevitable casualty of the future. They are just another lost privilege, like the quick airport check in lines of the 20th century. By some bizarre progression of society, we can clone an embryo, but we can't find a way to allow trick-or-treating after dark.

But on this morning, my sweet melancholic memory will not be denied by adult pessimism. As the sun breaks the clouds and strikes the brilliant streamers, I realize that innocence is still everywhere, if I choose to look for it. I notice again that nothing is broken, and the baby birds in the nest in the small tree are still hungrily chirping. And then I see the toilet paper hanging on the trees for what it is; a sign that all is well. The world is very different now, yet some things, at least this morning, are the same. And I smile as I chase the kids outside to clean up the mess, quickly, before it rains.

Jeffrey T Junig lives with his wife and children in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. He has worked as a neuroscientist and as an anesthesiologist, and currently is a psychiatrist in solo, independent practice. More articles can be found at his psychiatric practice web site,

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Stride Rite Shoes - Kids' Own Choice

Seven or eight-month-old babies have formed certain cognitive capability. They can express their own thought or desire on some little things in their own ways. For example, there are three colors like red, yellow and blue, if you give some tips and make them understand your question is which one is his or her favorite, then he or she can point out the best one with fingers. They are too young to have any expression ability, but which not means they do not have their own thoughts and decisions.

When you choose one pair of shoes for your kids, maybe this little person can give you some critical and constructive advices. No matter how old they are, they can always make their options in patterns, styles, colors, and even pictures printed on the shoes. That is the main reason why all of the kids' merchants pay much attention on these aspects not on quality.

For girls, it is easier to prove this point. If she is in a shoes store, she certainly chooses her favorite color like pink, red or white. In their minds, these colors have special means; maybe they are the one the princess wears in a fairy tale. Although they are very young, they also pursue beauty. At the beginning of selecting pattern or style of shoes, most of them are imitating someone who plays an important and influential role in their minds. After accumulating some experience, they will gradually shape their own thought and pattern.

Unlike girls, boys always pay less attention on the color of shoes. The one feeling they devoted to get is to be cool. No matter what are, shoes, clothes or other accessories, it seems that patterns, colors, styles are not important thing. Only being cool if they wear it or them, that is ok. That indicates that deep colors are commonly and easily accepted by boys when they select something.

The older kids are just coming in to the period of pursuing brands. Only brands can show their personality and individuality. Only brands can indicate their different taste and personal pattern. So different group of kids has different pursuit and likes.

You can get more information about Stride rite shoes on the stride rite shoes.

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Lenten Rites in RP Like a Circus?

Time and again, whenever the Lenten is coming, many Filipinos are pretty excited for the long vacation brought by the Holy Week. For a Christian nation like the Philippines, it is a moment to reflect on the life of Jesus, the Son of God, His sufferings and triumphs as He saves the world from sin.

While others are simply enjoying the no work, no school spree to get out of their way to some beautiful beaches and places where they could relax and take a time out from the stresses of life in the metropolis.

But many might not know that it has been a tradition in many parts of the country to reenact the rituals of what Jesus has done in His way to the cross. A staged crucifixion known as the "cenaculo" is always held every Lent to showcase the bloody and pitiful sufferings of Christ.

As a true Christian believer, I don't agree for some who do this. It was not written in the Bible to reenact what Christ did. It is enough to ask forgiveness for our sins, seek His grace and do some penitent as a way of remembering what He did for humankind.

What's bugging me is that such traditional staging of Christ-like activities of Filipinos lashing their backs with bamboo sticks as they become wounded or nailing themselves to wooden crosses are like a circus since local spectators and other foreigners are mesmerized seeing these things happen. What is lost is the real essence of the observance of the Holy Week.

Such rituals are nothing if people are not learning why we celebrate the Lent. In the first place, some locals don't even have to do the reenactment. Not only that, the Catholic Church has even warned people not to make the Holy Week rites as an event of fun and a circus-like activity when some people would be clapping their hands as a person is nailed and raised on the cross.

The Health Department advised the ritual participants to take tetanus shots before being nailed to avoid infection.

People should not forget to recognize the solemnity of the Lent. Although some have made such rituals as their annual devotion, still they need to reflect on the real essence of doing such things. The Holy Week traditions should not be treated as a show.

The simple ways of celebrating the Lent is to reflect, pray and fast. Let the Holy Week be a reminder to all Christians about the sufferings and resurrection of the risen Christ.

Maynard Joseph Delfin finished AB Journalism (cum laude) at the University of Santo Tomas. He has worked as book editor, deskman, copy editor and research and publications officer in leading publishing and research companies in the Philippines. He helps charitable institutions in his country through freelance writing. You may send your assistance through paypal at to deliver more assistance to his chosen beneficiaries.

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