Friday, July 22, 2011

Stride Rite Shoes - Kids' Own Choice

Seven or eight-month-old babies have formed certain cognitive capability. They can express their own thought or desire on some little things in their own ways. For example, there are three colors like red, yellow and blue, if you give some tips and make them understand your question is which one is his or her favorite, then he or she can point out the best one with fingers. They are too young to have any expression ability, but which not means they do not have their own thoughts and decisions.

When you choose one pair of shoes for your kids, maybe this little person can give you some critical and constructive advices. No matter how old they are, they can always make their options in patterns, styles, colors, and even pictures printed on the shoes. That is the main reason why all of the kids' merchants pay much attention on these aspects not on quality.

For girls, it is easier to prove this point. If she is in a shoes store, she certainly chooses her favorite color like pink, red or white. In their minds, these colors have special means; maybe they are the one the princess wears in a fairy tale. Although they are very young, they also pursue beauty. At the beginning of selecting pattern or style of shoes, most of them are imitating someone who plays an important and influential role in their minds. After accumulating some experience, they will gradually shape their own thought and pattern.

Unlike girls, boys always pay less attention on the color of shoes. The one feeling they devoted to get is to be cool. No matter what are, shoes, clothes or other accessories, it seems that patterns, colors, styles are not important thing. Only being cool if they wear it or them, that is ok. That indicates that deep colors are commonly and easily accepted by boys when they select something.

The older kids are just coming in to the period of pursuing brands. Only brands can show their personality and individuality. Only brands can indicate their different taste and personal pattern. So different group of kids has different pursuit and likes.

You can get more information about Stride rite shoes on the stride rite shoes.

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